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Pred nami je praznični vikend, zato smo današnjo uro angleščine posvetili pogovoru in branju o prazniku, učenci pa so se preizkusili tudi v pisanju poezije. Očitno je med nami precej skritih pesnikov in pesnic. 😊 Več pa spodaj.

Even if it’s cold outdoors
And wind is blowing with its force
Sometime in the mid of spring
There’s a day, there is this thing
Easter’s on its way, don’t fear
Rabbit is coming, that is clear

Daša, 9. r.

Easter Mister
Are you near?
Someone tell me if the eggs are here
The bunny could tell us if they’re near or maybe somewhere by the moon
Either way we’ll find them soon
Rooster crows and chicks chirp, the children smiling, chocolate wrapper rip

Ema, 9. r.

Easter is coming around
And people are dancing in the background
Spring is here again
The flowers are dancing in the rain
Everybody’s wearing a bonnet
Roses growing and I’m writing a sonnet.

Iza in Ajda, 8. r.

Easter eggs rolling down the hill
Children are happy eating
Saying yummy and screaming mummy
Look what I just found
Looking at chocolate bunnies
Eating them like mummies
Saying no to gummies
Their new favourite treat
Are chocolate bunnies

Lan B, 6. r.

In še nekaj haikujev …

The eggs are waiting
Bunny is in the oven
Hunt is beginning

Enej, 9. r.

Around the corner
There is joy and fun waiting
Easter is coming

Neža N, 8. r.

The sun is shining
Chocolate is being eaten
What are we doing?

Božidar, 9. r

I don’t like this game
I can’t find any of the eggs
I am feeling sad

Jurij, 8. r.

Zapisal: Jaka Darovec

(Skupno 118 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)